Thursday 4 November 2010

Kyle Cooper: Top Tips and Revolutionary Titles

From watching a 2-part interview with Kyle Cooper some of the tips I picked up were as follows:

- Don't be afraid to experiment with different things. Cooper mentioned about how he wonders what would happen if he shoots things differently for example through some broken glass.

- Don't make too much of your work digital. Cooper says how he's not completely against the idea of having digital effects but it looks better to keep as natural as possible.

- Sometimes it's best to keep it simple. Cooper says how his  favorite title sequence was from "Dead Zone" (1983). I can see why this set of titles is his personal favorite as they are very simple but at the same time very effective.

Se7en Titles

First off I think the opening titles to the film "Se7en" are effective because of the effects that are used. Kyle Cooper uses an effect to show the text vibrating when the actors and actresses names come in. This makes it hard for the viewer to read which could be seen as quite strange to some viewers. Secondly I think the changes inbetween the videos and the text are interesting because they are so sudden. This might be to try and  make the viewer scared because it catches you offguard. The titles occasionally have drops of blood in them. This is a warning to the viewer of what's to come and could make them aware that the film contains horror and gore. Similarly there is flashes of red which could suggest blood to the viewer. The music played in the opening titles is awkward and uncomfortable for the viewer. It doesn't really make sense musically and doesn't let the viewer feel relaxed about coming to watch this film. Throughout the opening titles there is someone with a needle sewing up a book. It looks like they're causing pain to themselves with the needle because it slowly is coming away from their finger and there is the occasional drop of blood. The opening titles are very detailed. All the recordings that are taken are close-ups of either the book that the person is sewing or of the persons hands. Overall the title sequence is very interesting and very unique.

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