Monday 7 March 2011

Evaluation of Progress

Schedule - Taking photos of possible locations on Wednesday morning. On Wednesday afternoon we will be doing advanced research and sorting out the lighting for our video. On Thursday we will be filming the video and we will also be filming it on Friday morning. By Friday afternoon we should be able to start editing.

Problems - We were going to use a smoke machine that we could hire from Nathan's friend but we discovered that the smoke machine is out of order. We did some research on Safari to find out where we could hire a smoke machine from in Cambridge and conveniently on my village there is a company that can rent out smoke machines. Another problem we expect to encounter is the transportation of the drum kit. Hopefully if we get to record our video on the stage at the Junction then there will be a drum kit we can borrow from there. If we have to record our video on the College stage we are going to really struggle with getting a drum kit to use. The final problem we thought might be an issue is the lighting. We need to hire out some lights to use and sort out exactly how we need to have them and at what exact settings we need to have them on.

Location, Props and Performers - For the location we are hoping to use the junction but if that is not possible we will have to use the Community Centre in Over. If we can't use either of these we will use the College stage. For the performers we will have Alex playing drums, Myself singing and playing guitar and hopefully one of Nathan's friends from his band will be able to play bass for us while Nathan is on camera duty. For Props we need to use A Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar and Microphones.

Filming - We are planning to film on Thursday (All Day) ad Friday (Morning).

Editing - We hope to be able to start Editing on Friday (Afternoon) and continue on Monday next week.

The main inspiration for our video is the video for "Sorry" by "Life in Film"

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