Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation Question 4

Above is a picture I put together on photoshop of all the equipment we used and websites we used. The website include Facebook for getting feedback on our video, Youtube for doing research into our genre and Blogger for posting blogs throughout the project. The equipment we used includes a Light Stand for holding up the lights at the side of the stage when recording our video, a tripod for holding the camera still for when we were recording, the HD Camera to get quality high - definition footage, the camera tape to store all the footage recorded on the camera, the lights to light the stage as we wanted it to be and the macbook for editing all the footage together to create our video.

With Final Cut Express on the Macbook we were able to edit together different pieces of footage together from the recording we did on the college stage. We managed to do different transitions to cut between different shots such as fade in and fade out. Also we were able to put Nathaniel's bass playing in slow motion in parts of the video.

The reason for the use of Facebook was so that we could create a group and invite members to give feedback on our video. This was successful as we had different people offering different opinions on the video and different ways we could improve it. Also we could post other things such as our magazine advert and our Digipaks on there so that members of the group could give feedback on those to. Although it's not on the picture I created on photoshop I also used the social networking site "Myspace" to e - mail Little Man Tate to let them know we were using there song in our music video. I had to create an account to be able to do this so you can view my page at

The HD Camera and the other physical equipment we used for our video were also of great use to create our music video. At first we recorded several different shots with the HD Camera without it being on the HD setting. It was a rookie mistake so we decided to re - record the whole thing but with the camera obviously on the HD setting. The lights were really good also. We thought we would need more than two lights for the video but because we were recording each shot individually (For example recording the vocals first and then the guitar and then the bass etc.) we were able to move the lights around sufficiently. We attached the lights to the light stands so we could adjust the height of the lights to how we wanted them to be. The tripod was really useful to hold the camera still. If we didn't have a tripod to use we would have to of done hand - held shots which would mean the camera wouldn't be still whilst recording. Therefore the tripod was really useful. The macbook was also hugely important because without it we would have nothing to edit the clips together with. Also if we didn't have the macbook we wouldn't be able to use the social networking site to get the feedback from people.

I think the most important piece of equipment used that is shown above is the lights. The reason these were so useful was because we could light the video as if we were an actual band performing in a music video. The idea to have the lights the way we did came from the video of "Sorry" by a band called Life In Film.

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